boronikhina t goryachkina v ivanova m kuznetsov s et al histology cytology and embryology textbook аnd guide with control problems tests and pictures

Boronikhina T., Goryachkina V., Ivanova M., Kuznetsov S. et al Histology, cytology and embryology. Textbook аnd guide (with control problems, tests and pictures)

Boronikhina T., Goryachkina V., Ivanova M., Kuznetsov S. et al Histology, cytology and embryology. Textbook аnd guide (with control problems, tests and pictures)


The textbook and guide (with control problems, tests, and pictures) have been created by the professors of department of histology, cytology, and embryology of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) according to course of histology, cytology, and embryology for medical students and recommended for use during studying of these subjects in the medical faculties and universities. The English version was edited by E.V. Babchenko.

3300 Р.

Kuznetsov S., Boronikhina T., Goryachkina V. Histology, Cytology and Embriology (a course of lectures)

Kuznetsov S., Boronikhina T., Goryachkina V. Histology, Cytology and Embriology (a course of lectures)


A course of lectures was made by the academicians of Department of hystology, cytology and embriology of I.M. Sechenov First MSMU. The lectures are based on the programme of Hystology, cytology and embriology for medical students and recommended for use during studying of this subject in the medical faculties and universities.

1999 Р.

Кузнецов С., Боронихина Т. Histology, cytology and embryology tests

Кузнецов С., Боронихина Т. Histology, cytology and embryology tests


Тесты составлены преподавателями кафедры гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии Первого МГМУ им. И. М. Сеченова. Тесты основаны на программе по гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии для студентов медицинских вузов и рекомендованы для использования в процессе изучения данной дисциплины в медицинских вузах и медицинских факультетах университетов. Для студентов медицинских вузов. Издание на английском языке.

1779 Р.

Тюкавкина Нонна Арсеньевна, Белобородов Владимир Леонидович, Зурабян Сергей Эдуардович Bioorganic Chemistry. Workbook to practicе. Tutorial guide

Тюкавкина Нонна Арсеньевна, Белобородов Владимир Леонидович, Зурабян Сергей Эдуардович Bioorganic Chemistry. Workbook to practicе. Tutorial guide


The Workbook is a single complex with the textbook Fundamentals of Bioorganic Chemistry (S.E. Zurabyan. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2021). This original methodological complex is based on modern innovative technologies. Each topic of practice includes a number of blocks for organizing the independent classroom and extracurricular work of students and managing it. Attention is paid to the control and measurement materials with the introduction of typical question cards and tests of current and boundary controls. The guide is written at a high scientific and methodical level in accordance with the requirements of problem-modular training. Intended to students studying in specialties: Therapeutic Сare; Pediatrics; Medical and Preventive Care; Stomatology.

1156 Р.

Danilov R., Borovaya T. Histology, Embryology, Cytology: Textbook

Danilov R., Borovaya T. Histology, Embryology, Cytology: Textbook


This textbook sets out the latest ideas regarding cell structure, cytophysiology, development, structure and age-related changes in all human tissues and organs. It reviews the sequential stages and critical periods of human development. Along with fundamental issues, much attention is given to the applied medical aspects of histology. Moreover, it refl ects issues of reactivity and tissue regeneration caused by extreme environmental factors including fi rearm, which have not lost their relevance today due to local confl icts and the spread of weapons among the population. The most complex organized histological structures and biological processes are illustrated by drawings, light-optical and electronic micrographs and diagrams. The present texbook is intended for students of medical universities, military academies and foreign military personnel studying the specialties 31.05.01 General Medicine, 31.05.02 Pediatrics, 31.05.03 Dentistry, 32.05.01 Medical and Preventive Care, as well as teachers, graduate students, and clinical laboratory scientists.

3779 Р.

Литвицкий Петр Францевич, Пирожков Сергей Викторович, Тезиков Евгений Борисович Pathophysiology

Литвицкий Петр Францевич, Пирожков Сергей Викторович, Тезиков Евгений Борисович Pathophysiology


The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module's topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and also questions to prepare for classes, colloquia and final examination on pathophysiology. The edition contains the discussions of the subject matter of pathophysiology; its aims, issues, methods, and constituent parts. It summarizes the main concepts of general nosology, etiology and pathogenesis. In a concise format or in a form of schemes, it considers the causes, mechanisms of development, adaptive reactions, manifestations and outcome of the typical pathologic processes and typical forms of pathology of organs and physiological systems, including separate syndromes and nosologic units. Each topic of the pathophysiology course is supplied by a set of clinical case problems, tests for self-control by students, algorithms of solutions of the selected problems, and correct answers for the tests. This textbook is prepared for students and teachers of the English-speaking Division of the Department of Pathophysiology.

2288 Р.

Литвицкий Петр Францевич, Пирожков Сергей Викторович, Тезиков Евгений Борисович Clinical Pathophysiology. Concise lectures, tests, cases

Литвицкий Петр Францевич, Пирожков Сергей Викторович, Тезиков Евгений Борисович Clinical Pathophysiology. Concise lectures, tests, cases


The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module's topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and also questions to prepare for classes, colloquia and final examination on pathophysiology. The edition contains the discussions of the subject matter of pathophysiology; its aims, issues, methods, and constituent parts. It summarizes the main concepts of general nosology, etiology and pathogenesis. In a concise format or in a form of schemes, it considers the causes, mechanisms of development, adaptive reactions, manifestations and outcome of the typical pathologic processes and typical forms of pathology of organs and physiological systems, including separate syndromes and nosologic units. Each topic of the pathophysiology course is supplied by a set of clinical case problems, tests for self-control by students, algorithms of solutions of the selected problems, and correct answers for the tests. This textbook is prepared for students and teachers of the English-speaking Division of the Department of Pathophysiology. 3-е издание, переработанное и дополненное.

2423 Р.

Tyukavkina N. (ред.) Bioorganic Chemistry: workbook to practicе : tutorial guide

Tyukavkina N. (ред.) Bioorganic Chemistry: workbook to practicе : tutorial guide


The Workbook is a single complex with the textbook Fundamentals of Bioorganic Chemistry (S.E. Zurabyan. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2021). This original methodological complex is based on modern innovative technologies. Each topic of practice includes a number of blocks for organizing the independent classroom and extracurricular work of students and managing it. Attention is paid to the control and measurement materials with the introduction of typical question cards and tests of current and boundary controls. The guide is written at a high scientific and methodical level in accordance with the requirements of problem-modular training. Intended to students studying in specialties: Therapeutic Сare; Pediatrics; Medical and Preventive Care; Stomatology.

725 Р.

Литвицкий П., Пирожков С., Тезиков Е. Clinical Pathophysiology. Concise lectures, tests, cases

Литвицкий П., Пирожков С., Тезиков Е. Clinical Pathophysiology. Concise lectures, tests, cases


Клиническая патофизиология. Курс лекций, тесты, задачи. Учебное пособие на английском языке. The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific modules topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and also questions to prepare for classes, colloquia and final examination on pathophysiology. The edition contains the discussions of the subject matter of pathophysiology; its aims, issues, methods, and constituent parts. It summarizes the main concepts of general nosology, etiology and pathogenesis. In a concise format or in a form of schemes, it considers the causes, mechanisms of development, adaptive reactions, manifestations and outcome of the typical pathologic processes and typical forms of pathology of organs and physiological systems, including separate syndromes and nosologic units. Each topic of the pathophysiology course is supplied by a set of clinical case problems, tests for self-control by students, algorithms of solutions of the selected problems, and correct answers for the tests. This textbook is prepared for students and teachers of the English-speaking Division of the Department of Pathophysiology. .

1870 Р.

Афанасьев Ю.И., Юрина Н.А. Histology, Embryology, Cytology: textbook

Афанасьев Ю.И., Юрина Н.А. Histology, Embryology, Cytology: textbook


The publication provides basic information on cytology, theories of tissues and organs, describes the successive stages and critical periods of human development. The authors address current data on regeneration and reactive changes of tissues and organs. The material is presented from a histogenetic point of view, taking into account age-related changes in tissues and organs. The textbook is intended for students of medical universities, and may also be of interest for interns, residents, graduate students, and teachers.

5441 Р.

Хрусталев Юрий Михайлович Bioethics. Philosophy of preservation of life and preservation of health. Textbook

Хрусталев Юрий Михайлович Bioethics. Philosophy of preservation of life and preservation of health. Textbook


The textbook represents a modular presentation of ethics, bioethics and biomedical ethics. Its goal is a philosophical interpretation of novel ethical problems in modern health care as a special kind of theory and practice of treatment and prevention of diseases that doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other healthcare workers in the course of their professional activity. In the textbook bioethics is presented as a new moral thinking and worldview of specialists, which should become the essence and meaning of their creative activity. Historical and ethical material is organically combined with modern philosophical understanding of moral problems arising in the fi eld of protecting life and preserving people's health, as well as in the intellectual and moral development of a medical specialist. The key problems of bioethics are set out in accordance with the programs and work plans of classes on the course of bioethics adopted in most medical universities of the country. The innovative content of the textbook makes it useful for students of humanities universities and colleges, as well as for those who are interested in the problems of the evolution of ethics.

2017 Р.

Глухов Александр Иванович, Губарева Александра Евгеньевна, Воробьева Светлана Александровна Essential Biochemistry for Medical Students with Problem-Solving Exercises. Textbook

Глухов Александр Иванович, Губарева Александра Евгеньевна, Воробьева Светлана Александровна Essential Biochemistry for Medical Students with Problem-Solving Exercises. Textbook


This textbook is based on the Biochemistry lecture course of the Biological Chemistry Department, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The textbook focuses on the modern basic principles of Biochemistry. This fi rst edition comprehensively covers the molecular basics of the human organism functioning in normal conditions and during adaptation to the changing environment. The book also provides modern insight into the molecular mechanisms of the most common human pathological conditions. Each topic includes the appropriate tests and situational problems, allowing to study the material more interactively and train students in clinical problem solving and diagnostic reasoning. The book “Essential Biochemistry for Medical Students with Problem-Solving Exercises” is intended for medical and pharmacy students studying in English, Biochemistry postgraduate students, and teachers.

5600 Р.

Ремизов Александр Николаевич Medical and biological physics. Textbook

Ремизов Александр Николаевич Medical and biological physics. Textbook


The textbook is written in accordance with the curriculum and reflects biomedical direction of the course. Along with problems of physics and biophysics, the publication deals with the elements of probability theory, mathematical statistics, medical metrology, electronics, etc. It is intended for students and lecturers of medical, biological and agricultural specialties. 4-е издание, переработанное и дополненное

3525 Р.

Cullen Pauline, French Amanda, Jakeman Vanessa The Official Cambrige Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training. Student's Book +DVD

Cullen Pauline, French Amanda, Jakeman Vanessa The Official Cambrige Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training. Student's Book +DVD


Student`s book with answers. Cambridge English bring you this definitive guide, from our team of highly respected and experienced writers. It is packed with the solid advice you need to achieve your desired band at IELTS. Practical and easy to use, it focusses on the language and skills you need to perform with confidence. Your IELTS journey couldn't have a better guide. What is in this guide? - Separate sections focussing on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - 8 official practice tests from Cambridge English - DVD-ROM with MP3 listening files and speaking test videos How does this guide help me? - Understand the features and format of the exam - Learn what you need to know to improve your score - Improve language and test skills at your own pace - Identify where you need extra practice and what practice you need to do - Develop writing strategies by comparing model answers - Work skill by skill with exam-type items at all times - Practise the exam with 8 complete tests - Take the exam with added confidence knowing you are well prepared What is IELTS? - The world's leading English language test for higher education and global migration, accepted by over 10,000 organisations worldwide with more than 3,5 million tests taken each year - Two possible versions: Academic and General - prepare for either with this guide - Tests across four skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - with results reflecting your real life use of English - Uses a unique 9-band scale providing the leading exam score which accurately pinpoints your level of English DVD-ROM system requirements: - DVD-ROM drive - Adobe Flash Player I 1.2+ - Apple Quicktime - Web browser: Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome, Firefox I I + or Safari

8519 Р.

Гостищев Виктор Кузьмич General Surgery. Textbook

Гостищев Виктор Кузьмич General Surgery. Textbook


The textbook deals with general issues of surgery (aseptics and antiseptics, haemorrhage, and principle blood transfusion, fundamentals of resuscitation and pain treatment, specifi cs of work-up surgical patient, and surgical operation); the textbook elucidates the pathological processes underlying surgical diseases (traumas, pyoinfl ammatory diseases, tumors, parasitogenic surgical diseases, and maldevelopments requiring surgical treatment). Each chapter is complemented with control questions and tasks. The textbook is intended for students and teachers at medical higher educational institutions. It will be also useful for junior surgeons, medical residents, postgraduates and doctors. 5-е издание, переработанное и дополненное.

3504 Р.

Гостищев В. General surgery: textbook

Гостищев В. General surgery: textbook


The textbook deals with general issues of surgery (aseptics and antiseptics, haemorrhage, and principle blood transfusion, fundamentals of resuscitation and pain treatment, specifi cs of work-up surgical patient, and surgical operation); the textbook elucidates the pathological processes underlying surgical diseases (traumas, pyoinfl ammatory diseases, tumors, parasitogenic surgical diseases, and maldevelopments requiring surgical treatment). Each chapter is complemented with control questions and tasks. The textbook is intended for students and teachers at medical higher educational institutions. It will be also useful for junior surgeons, medical residents, postgraduates and doctors.

3669 Р.

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