duchting hajo toulouse lautrec

Duchting Hajo Toulouse-Lautrec

Duchting Hajo Toulouse-Lautrec


Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), au style inclassable, est le peintre de la boheme parisienne de la fin du XIXe siecle. Operas, cafes-concerts, maisons closes, il saisit d’un style vif et expressif une vie nocturne auquel il participe allegrement. S’il a produit de nombreuses lithographies, Toulouse-Lautrec se distingue notamment par des affiches dont la simplification audacieuse va marquer durablement les arts appliques. Ce grand artiste nous a laisse une ?uvre importante qui annonce a bien des egards le XXe siecle et l’avenement de l’art nouveau.

3619 Р.

Arnold Matthias Toulouse-Lautrec / Тулуз-Лотрек

Arnold Matthias Toulouse-Lautrec / Тулуз-Лотрек


Today, the painter and graphic artist Henri Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) is considered as one of the most inspired portrayers of human figures. This physically handicapped scion of the old French nobility was fascinated by life around Montmartre, whose cafes, cabarets, dance halls, and bordellos presented him with the "theater of life." More than any other artist, Toulouse-Lautrec captured the Belle Epoque's pursuit of fleeting pleasure: directly and without flattery, his paintings, lithographs, and posters offer a masterly and timeless image of the age.

1049 Р.

Duchting Hajo Cezanne

Duchting Hajo Cezanne


Perhaps best known for his exceptional apples and pears, Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) was one of the founding fathers of modern art. Though he was underappreciated and highly criticized during his life, as time passed Cezanne's work came to be considered of inestimable importance. His method of experimentation with abstraction and perspective was an important precursor to modern painting, particularly cubism. About the author: Hajo Duchting (b. 1949 in Dusseldorf) studied art history, philosophy and archaeology in Munich, where he gained his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on Robert Delaunay's Windows series. After working in museum and adult education, he moved on to teaching posts and guest professorships at the universities of Munich, Kassel, Leipzig, Saarbrucken and Mainz. Since 2004 he has taught painting and colour theory at the Mediadesign Akademie in Munich. Duchting has published numerous articles on the art of the modern era, colour theory and the teaching of art and has authored a number of TASCHEN titles, including Paul Cezanne (1988), Wassily Kandinsky (1990); Robert and Sonia Delaunay (1993) and Georges Seurat (1999). Издание на английском языке.

1012 Р.

Hajo Duchting. Kandinsky

Hajo Duchting. Kandinsky

Бренд: Республика

На протяжении своей художественной карьеры Василий Кандинский (1866–1944) трансформировал не только собственный стиль, но и ход истории искусства. От ранней фигуративной и пейзажной живописи он стал пионером духовного, эмоционального, ритмичного использования цвета и линии, и сегодня ему приписывают создание первой чисто абстрактной работы. Кандинский был настолько учителем и теоретиком, насколько он был практикующим художником в музыке, театре, поэзии, философии, этнологии, мифах и оккультизме - все это было важными компонентами его живописи и гравюры. Он был связан как с влиятельными группами Blaue Reiter, так и с Bauhaus и оставил в наследство не только великолепные визуальные работы, но и очень влиятельные трактаты, такие как «О духовном в искусстве». Ключевые принципы включали связь между живописью, музыкой и мистическим опытом, а также очищение искусства от материального реализма к эмоциональному выражению, сгущенному, в частности, цветом. В этой книге представлены ключевые работы Кандинского, чтобы представить его репертуар ярких цветов, форм, и чувства. Прослеживая радикальное стилистическое развитие художника, он показывает, как развитие одного художника проложило путь грядущим поколениям абстрактного выражения.Over the course of his artistic career, Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944) transformed not only his own style, but the course of art history. From early figurative and landscape painting, he went on to pioneer a spiritual, emotive, rhythmic use of color and line and is today credited with creating the first purely abstract work.As much a teacher and theorist as he was a practicing artist, Kandinsky's interests in music, theater, poetry, philosophy, ethnology, myth, and the occult, were all essential components to his painting and engraving. He was involved with both the influential Blaue Reiter and Bauhaus groups and left a legacy not only of dazzling visual work, but also of highly influential treatises such as Concerning the Spiritual In Art. Key tenets included the connections between painting, music and mystical experience, and the purification of art away from material realism and towards an emotional expression, condensed in particular by color.This book presents key Kandinsky works to introduce his repertoire of vivid colors, forms, and feelings. Tracing the artist's radical stylistic development, it shows how one painter's progression paved the way for generations of abstract expression to come.

2590 Р.

Duchting Hajo Kandinsky

Duchting Hajo Kandinsky


Auf der Suche nach Reinheit Im Laufe seiner Karriere veranderte Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) seinen Stil – und damit den gesamten Verlauf der Kunstgeschichte. Von figurlicher und Landschaftsmalerei ausgehend, setzte er Farben und Formen zunehmend spirituell, emotional und rhythmisch ein und gilt heute als Maler des ersten rein abstrakten Kunstwerks. Kandinsky war nicht nur praktizierender Kunstler, sondern auch Lehrer und Theoretiker, der sein Interesse an Musik, Theater, Lyrik, Philosophie, Ethnologie, Mythologie und Okkultem in seine Bilder einflie?en lie?. Er grundete zusammen mit Franz Marc die ein­flussreiche Gruppe „Der Blaue Reiter“, unterrichtete am Bauhaus und produzierte neben seinem schillernden visuellen Werk auch ma?gebliche theoretische Abhandlungen wie Uber das Geistige in der Kunst. Darin propagierte er u.a. die Verbindung zwischen Malerei, Musik und mystischen Erfahrungen und die Reinheit der Kunst, die sich vom materiellen Realismus weg hin zu einer vor allem durch Farbe kondensierten emotionalen Ausdrucksform bewegen sollte. Dieser Band prasentiert Kandinskys wichtigste Werke und stellt sein Repertoire an Farben, Formen und Gefuhlen vor. Der Verfasser zeichnet die radikale Entwicklung des Kunstlers nach und zeigt, wie diese dem Abstrakten Expressionismus den Weg bereitete.

3435 Р.

Duchting Hajo Cezanne

Duchting Hajo Cezanne


Souvent associe au mouvement impressionniste, Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) s'en detache pourtant rapidement. Ses recherches esthetiques sur les volumes, la perspective, les formes et les couleurs, a travers de nombreuses natures mortes, mais aussi les paysages de sa Provence natale, l'amenent progressivement vers l'abstraction et font de lui un precurseur de l'art moderne. Decouvrez l'evolution d'un peintre qui a su transposer en peinture sa vision unique du monde.

2827 Р.

Duchting Hajo Impressionnisme

Duchting Hajo Impressionnisme


Au debut des annees 1860, des jeunes peintres se reunissent afin de creer un nouveau type de peinture. Ils souhaitent representer des scenes de la vie quotidienne ainsi que des paysages et refuse toutes institutions, souhaitant se detacher des regles erigees par l'Academie. Ils frequentent des atelier prives car on y peint avec liberte, contrairement a l' Ecole des beaux-arts. Le terme d’« impressionnisme » vient d’un article du critique d’art Louis Leroy, paru dans le journal quotidien Le Charivari du 25 avril 1874, et intitule : « L’exposition des impressionnistes ». Lors de sa visite de l'atelier dans l'atelier du photographe Nadar, il se moque d'un tableau de Claude Monet nomme Impression, Soleil Levant. Ce surnom encombrant d’« impressionnistes », Monet et ses amis vont non seulement l’accepter, mais le reprendre, des 1877, a l’occasion de nouvelles manifestations qu’ils organisent. Les peintres les plus celebres de ce mouvement sont Manet, Pissarro, Degas, Monet, Renoir, Bazille, Sisley, Caillebotte, Cezanne... Dans cet ouvrage, vous decouvrirez la nouvelle peinture impressionniste ainsi que ses plus celebres peintres. Ce livre traite egalement de la posterite du mouvement impressionniste chez les artistes tels que Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Vincent Van Gogh mais aussi de son exportation internationale.

1974 Р.

Arnold Matthias Toulouse-Lautrec

Arnold Matthias Toulouse-Lautrec


In our imaginings of Paris, painter and graphic artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) has no small role to play. In his prints, posters, paintings, and drawings, the artist immortalized the city's Belle Epoque nightlife and put the northern neighborhood of Montmartre on the global map of creative-hedonist hotspots. The son of old French nobility, Toulouse-Lautrec seems to have been drawn early on to visions of a demimonde, centering his attention on the dance halls, cabarets, and brothels of Montmartre and adopting famed dancers and singers as his subjects, most notably Jane Avril. His works include both lively performance scenes and quiet, tender "after-hours" portraits such as The Sofa and In Bed. Stylistically, he mastered both bold graphics, as celebrated in his promotional posters of Jane Avril, and a loose yet evocative sketchwork. Though he died aged just 36, due to complications from alcoholism and syphilis, Toulouse-Lautrec's cultural influence was immense. This introductory book takes a walk through his world of singers, dancers, musicians, and prostitutes to reveal an artist of great humanity, striking figurative skill, and a pronounced sense for the energy and stories of a city.

2409 Р.

Matthias Arnold. Toulouse-Lautrec

Matthias Arnold. Toulouse-Lautrec

Бренд: Республика

В наших представлениях о Париже немалую роль играет живописец и график Анри де Тулуз-Лотрек (1864–1901). В своих гравюрах, плакатах, картинах и рисунках художник увековечил ночную жизнь города в стиле Прекрасной эпохи и поместил северный район Монмартра на глобальную карту творческих и гедонистических точек. рано обратился к видениям полусвета, сосредоточив свое внимание на танцевальных залах, кабаре и публичных домах Монмартра и взяв в качестве своих героев знаменитых танцоров и певцов, в первую очередь Джейн Аврил. Его работы включают в себя как живые сцены спектакля, так и тихие, нежные портреты «в нерабочее время», такие как «Диван» и «В постели». Стилистически он освоил как смелую графику, прославленную в его рекламных плакатах Джейн Аврил, так и свободные, но вызывающие воспоминания наброски. Хотя он умер в возрасте всего 36 лет из-за осложнений, вызванных алкоголизмом и сифилисом, влияние Тулуз-Лотрека на культуру было огромным.Эта вступительная книга представляет собой прогулку по его миру певцов, танцоров, музыкантов и проституток, чтобы показать художника великой человечности, поразительного образное мастерство и ярко выраженное чувство энергии и истории города.In our imaginings of Paris, painter and graphic artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864—1901) has no small role to play. In his prints, posters, paintings, and drawings, the artist immortalized the city's Belle Époque nightlife and put the northern neighborhood of Montmartre on the global map of creative-hedonist hotspots.The son of old French nobility, Toulouse-Lautrec seems to have been drawn early on to visions of a demimonde, centering his attention on the dance halls, cabarets, and brothels of Montmartre and adopting famed dancers and singers as his subjects, most notably Jane Avril. His works include both lively performance scenes and quiet, tender “after-hours" portraits such as The Sofa and In Bed. Stylistically, he mastered both bold graphics, as celebrated in his promotional posters of Jane Avril, and a loose yet evocative sketchwork.Though he died aged just 36, due to complications from alcoholism and syphilis, Toulouse-Lautrec's cultural influence was immense. This introductory book takes a walk through his world of singers, dancers, musicians, and prostitutes to reveal an artist of great humanity, striking figurative skill, and a pronounced sense for the energy and stories of a city.

2250 Р.

Arnold Matthias Toulouse-Lautrec

Arnold Matthias Toulouse-Lautrec


Musique, danse et Moulin-Rouge Parmi ceux a qui l’on doit notre representation fantasmee de Paris le peintre et graphiste Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901) n’est pas des moindres. A travers ses gravures, affiches, peintures et dessins, l’artiste a immortalise la vie nocturne parisienne a la Belle Epoque et a fait figurer le quartier de Montmartre, au nord de la ville, parmi les premieres destinations de plaisir et de creation du monde. Descendant d’une vieille famille de la noblesse francaise, Toulouse-Lautrec semble avoir ete attire tres tot par le monde des plaisirs, s’interessant aux salles de danse, aux cabarets et aux maisons closes de Montmartre, et choisissant comme sujets de celebres danseuses et chanteuses, telles que Jane Avril. Ses ?uvres representent a la fois des scenes animees de spectacles et des portraits poses et sensibles saisis hors scene, notamment dans Le Sofa ou Le Lit. D’un point de vue stylistique, il maitrisait autant l’art graphique, comme en temoigne ses affiches publicitaires de Jane Avril, que celui de l’esquisse, dessin libre et pourtant puissamment evocateur. Malgre sa mort precoce a 36 ans, en raison de complications dues a l’alcoolisme et a la syphilis, l’influence culturelle de Toulouse-Lautrec fut immense. Cet ouvrage introductif nous emmene dans un univers de chanteuses, danseuses, musiciens et prostituees, et revele ainsi un artiste profondement humain, doue d’un talent de figuration etonnant et d’un sens evident pour saisir l’energie et les legendes de la ville.

3699 Р.

Duchting Hajo Wassily Kandinsky

Duchting Hajo Wassily Kandinsky


Over the course of his artistic career, Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) transformed not only his own style, but the course of art history. From early figurative and landscape painting, he went on to pioneer a spiritual, emotive, rhythmic use of color and line and is today credited with creating the first purely abstract work. As much a teacher and theorist as he was a practicing artist, Kandinsky's interests in music, theater, poetry, philosophy, ethnology, myth, and the occult, were all essential components to his painting and engraving. He was involved with both the influential Blaue Reiter and Bauhaus groups and left a legacy not only of dazzling visual work, but also of highly influential treatises such as Concerning the Spiritual in Art. Key tenets included the connections between painting, music and mystical experience, and the purification of art away from material realism and towards an emotional expression, condensed in particular by color. This book presents key Kandinsky works to introduce his repertoire of vivid colors, forms, and feelings. Tracing the artist's radical stylistic development, it shows how one painter's progression paved the way for generations of abstract expression to come.

2048 Р.

Duchting Hajo Pablo Picasso

Duchting Hajo Pablo Picasso


What did Spain look like when Picasso was born? What kind of community did he grow up in? What was his studio like? Who were the people who had the most influence on his art? The answers to these and other questions help bring into focus the Spanish artist's brilliant career and his influence on twentieth-century art. Color reproductions of his masterpieces are interspersed with photographs of Picasso's personal life, and are presented in a dynamic layout that reflects the artist's creative vision and boundless energy. Picasso's anti-war stance, his tumultuous love affairs, and his outspokenness are all examined with journalistic verve. This book not only provides a solid background on Picasso's monumental body of work, but also offers anecdotes, historical context, and a fresh perspective on an enigmatic and endlessly compelling figure.

3030 Р.

Duchting Hajo Hermitage Museum

Duchting Hajo Hermitage Museum


The precious collection of paintings has established the Hermitage's reputation as one of the most important museums in the world, but the architectural ensemble on the banks of the Neva is also a masterpiece of world architecture. This magical triad of important paintings, treasures from around the world, and architecture attracts an ever-growing stream of visitors each year to St. Petersburg, a city full of wonders shaped by its rich history.

1366 Р.

Hajo Duchting. Hermitage Museum

Hajo Duchting. Hermitage Museum

Бренд: Республика

The precious collection of paintings has established the Hermitage's reputation as one of the most important museums in the world, but the architectural ensemble on the banks of the Neva is also a masterpiece of world architecture. This magical triad of important paintings, treasures from around the world, and architecture attracts an ever-growing stream of visitors each year to St. Petersburg, a city full of wonders shaped by its rich history.

1360 Р.

Boerner Maria-Christina Toulouse-Lautrec & His World

Boerner Maria-Christina Toulouse-Lautrec & His World


The Belle Еpoque (Beautiful Era), which dates from the late nineteenth century to the start of World War I, was an incredible period of creative and scientific activity. Until his death in 1901 at the age of 36, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was one of its leading names along with poets and writers such as Guy de Maupassant and Emile Zola. He exhibited with Vincent Van Gogh and was a friend of Oscar Wilde whom he met during his time in London. Creating literally thousands of artworks during his short life, the images that Toulouse-Lautrec created were evocative of the mood of that time. His drawings and lithographs were often playful or satirical, but captured the essence of his subject. This book brings together over 170 images. In addition, there are documentary images from the period depicting life in fin de siеcle Paris and selected cities around the world. Clothing, architecture and images of street life are featured and where possible photographs of the people Toulouse-Lautrec featured in his works such as Aristide Bruant. На испанском, французском и немецком языках.

984 Р.

Duchting Hajo The Blaue Reiter

Duchting Hajo The Blaue Reiter


The charge of 20th-century expressionism Although it only lasted three turbulent years, the afterburn of the Blaue Reiter (1911-1914) movement exerted a tremendous influence on the development of modern European art. Named after a Kandinsky painting, The Blue Rider, this loose band of artists, grouped around Russian emigre Wassily Kandinsky and German painter Franz Marc, sought to reject establishment standards and charge into a new artistic unknown. Articulating spiritual values and concerns in an era of rapid industrialization, the artists of the Blaue Reiter were connected by a shared interest in painting, woodcuts, and prints, as well as the symbolic values of color and spontaneous approaches to artwork. Key pieces such as Franz Marc's Blue Horse I (1911), Kandinsky's Picture with a Black Arch (1912), and August Macke's Woman in a Green Jacket (1913) reveal varying subjects, but all channel distorted perspectives, crude lines, and an emphatic, expressionist use of color. The Blaue Reiter was abruptly truncated by the onset of the First World War, which killed two of its leading artists, along with growing dissent between the group's protagonists. This book reveals the movement's remarkable influence despite its brevity, presenting key works, artists, and their reverberating effects.

1775 Р.

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